Week 10 Lab: Writers Write

This website is absolutely wonderful! It includes lots of fascinating articles that address both very broad and very specific questions about writing. Some of the concepts addressed were ones I would never have thought to seek advice on, but I found to be very helpful. I have included notes on a few of my favorites below!

Character Arcs Or Character Development? What’s The Difference?
-Character development: how a character changes over the course of a story; linked to plot
-Example: Bilbo Baggins; begins his journey in fear and at the end looks at the world with a new sense of wonder
-The hero's journey: when a protagonist is reluctant to begin their journey, but by the end has changed to become almost a new person
-CD can be positive, negative, or regressive
-Can cover for the failings of a story
-Character arc: the structure of how a character changes within a story 
-Essentially, character arc consists of segments where the character is undergoing distinct changes unique to the structure of that segment

A Complete Glossary Of Terms For Fantasy Writers
-Necessary characters: protagonist, antagonist, love interest, friend/sidekick
-Plus plot, setting, and story goals for each character
-Setting is important; readers are there for the way you set the tone of "world building"
-Can be any setting that is imagined and has an element of the unbelievable

The 7 Qualities Of Compelling Character Motivations
-Characters need motivation; they must have reasons for making certain decisions and doing certain things
-Maslow's hierarchy of needs:
1. Physiological Needs
2. Safety Needs
3. Love & Belonging
4. Esteem
5. Self-actualisation
-Asking what the status of your characters needs are can help you figure out what is motivating them to act
-Two types of motivation: internal and external
-External related to survival, internal related to psyche
-Motivations must be:
1. Complex
2. Numerous (more than one per character)
3. Changeable
4. Rational and/or irrational
5. Susceptible to nurture/nature
6. Believable
7. Meaningful

The bounds of the imagination are limitless with a pencil and crisp sheet of paper. 


Writers Write. Website. Web Source


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